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Release Date:07/08/2004
The name Keith "Wonderboy" Johnson has become a staple in the quartet music world. The rapid success of Keith Wonderboy and The Spiritual Voices has been nothing short of amazing. Just think, approximately 9 years ago the group would have been considered regional. Now, Keith and the group travel all over the world spreading their unique brand of youthful quartet furry. Like many other groups on the road today, The Spiritual Voices group history goes back a long ways.
In fact the group was once led by Keith's father Phillip Johnson who even now is with the group on occasionally. The old Spiritual Voices recorded at least one album under the name Phillip Johnson & The Spiritual Voices of Brooklyn, NY for the Brooklyn based Gospel label. Keith Wonderboy has not only carried this rich tradition on, but he has taken it to the next level. The group really began to make noise during the 1990s recording for GreenFire, New Joy, and World Wide Gospel. With the hit number "Hide Behind The Mountain", the Spiritual Voices became a household name.
This project by Keith "Wonderboy" Johnson represents the crowning achievement of years of hard work and struggle. Now being marketed as a traditional male artist that sings quartet, Keith "Wonderboy" Johnson joins Harvey Watkins Jr., and the Seven Son of Soul as the groups currently recording for the New York based Verity Records. As the title states, this recording is definitely a New Season in the life of Keith "Wonderboy" Johnson and The Spiritual Voices. For those that may be wondering, the Spiritual Voices are still with Keith. Keith has simply added another dimension to his musical career.
Reminiscent of the group's debut CD for World Wide Gospel entitled "Through The Storm", this debut project for Verity contains a mixture of many styles and sounds. As the most well known young quartet on the road Keith & the fellas offer the listener a youthful exuberance that only they can present. The project opens by taking a page from the old school pioneer quartet books. As many know, in the old days group's had to open their album with a rockin' song that would hook the listener. This recording opens with a down home bass thumpin' quartet drive deep in the Spiritual Voices tradition. "I Need Your Help" is almost 6 minutes of wide open quartet praise.
This song is sure to be a favorite of fans at LIVE concerts. Other songs that really scream quartet on this project include "Shower Down A Blessing", "Let Go And Let God", "Forgive Me", "The Lord's Been Good To Me", and "Afterwhile". Each of the songs mentioned will definitely be worth the listen for those who have come to love the strictly traditional side of Keith & The Spiritual Voices. One song that really jumps out at me is Keiths tribute to The Indiana Travelers by recording one of my all-time favorite number "Forgive Me".
As was mentioned earlier, this project really has a little something for all tastes. For those that really like guitar driven head boppin' contemporary numbers then songs like the radical "I'm Still Standing", and "Reach For Your Blessing" will be worth your listen. If you enjoy praise and worship styled songs, Keith has revived the beautiful number "Somehow, He Takes Us Through It All". As powerful as this song is I would be remised not to mention the powerful praise number "I'll Give You Praise". This song is definitely a hidden gem on this project filled with so many great songs.
Many are probably wondering, when will he mention something about a serious quartet drive number in the tradition of "Be Right", "Stretchin' Out", and "Send A Revival". Well, the next Spiritual Voices quartet drive coming to an auditorium near you is the aforementioned "Let Go And Let God".
Placed in what I call the hit position on the CD (the #6 track position) this song is destined for success. Just a hint for quartet fans, whenever you purchase a CD go straight to track number 6 and many times you're listening to one of the best songs on the project. This song along with many others features the awesome background work and lead voice of Spanky Williams from Darrell McFadden & The Disciples. Thanks Keith for brining Spanky back in the mix!!
1.I Need Your Help
2.Come On and See About Me
3.I'll Give You Praise
4.Somehow He Takes Us Through It
5.Shower Down A Blessing
6.Let Go And Let God
7.Simple Touch
8.Forgive Me Lord
9.The Lord's Been Good To Me
10.Reach For Your Blessing
12.He'll Do It Again
13.Praise Him
14.I'm Still Standing
list Price =$17.98
TheFunkStore Price =$14.98//$3.00 s/h